Happy Birthday to my blog!
Written on 12:01:00 AM by Oakie Chiraskamin
Firstly, you guys and I would say Happy Birthday to "A Closet" blog, Oak's blog on a digital world. Some may give me 5, clap their hands, or pay me for dinner. Well do whatever humanity does. (At least, i gave birth to this blog without a womb)
"A Closet" why? - According to the Longman's dictionary, it means a cupboard built into the wall of a room from the floor to the ceiling or a small room where people went to study, pray etc. alone. My intention for this blog is to jot down whatever things and share my thoughts and interests.
Lastly, i would like to give my dedication to blogger.com. It won't happen without it :)
แวะมาเยี่ยมบ้าน หรือ ตู้
ฮ่าๆ ไว้เจอกัน
Happy Birthday???? วันอะไรวะ === K.watee
What a lovely friend! I am waiting for my turn to pay you back >_<
สะเหล่อ ho ho ho
ว่างละสิ อ่านหนังสือไปสิยะ
Seemingly you're beloved of your friend na --' 5555