DIY Coke ad
Written on 9:41:00 AM by Oakie Chiraskamin
I would like to share one of many things i did for my Adcenter application. It's myself-generated ad for Coke - The Coke side of life campaign. It shows my perspective on Consumer-Generated Content/Media/Ad and attention i gave to the ad industry's movements.
The main reason of this post is to invite you guys to do yourself Coke ad. You may create it by eg. photoshop, drawing, sewing, cut and paste.... Let's share it. You can see my example below.Mine is not so good because of no retouching, and poor lighting. You can do it better than i did.
In case you want to do it as a viral, pls spread it out.
which track did you apply for? i sent in my application too a month ago. good luck.
Thanks, you too. I applied for Communication Strategy track.
Hey man, good luck with the application. You should get in with no problem. It's good that you keep your blog full of insights. I hope you played up your blog in your application because it's a great blog.
Hey Luis, Thanks. i am flattered.
Oakie! Thank you for your comments. I wish you the best of luck in your application process. If you attend we will not meet. I am due to graduate soon. :) You seem incredibly excited and full of energy. I wish you well and look forward to hearing the next step in your future. I hope it's the Adcenter.