Written on 12:35:00 AM by Oakie Chiraskamin
It is a great honor for me having my blog, A Closet on this niche rank called "Advertising Young Minds - The top27 blogs of people under 27" I was so surprised and stunned by the fact. Thanks Daniel M. at AdStructure blog for his creation. The ranking is witty and awesome. See the full details here.

Written on 8:05:00 PM by Oakie Chiraskamin
While people are enjoying Apple iPhone and knock off price news, there are many people considering to buy iClone phone as well. Meizu Minione M8 phone is manufactured in China and it look like iPhone. See the news in details from CNet Asia.
I am amazed by how technology is easily copied. And it comes fast. It made me realize that being different and innovative are not easy at all. iPhone is not cool anymore.
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Written on 7:31:00 PM by Oakie Chiraskamin
Anything from Japan is always cute and adorable. Copet is an example. Copet are polygon animal characters designed and illustrated by Seijiro Kubo. Some of his works were engaged in AIWA advertising in Japan. We also can do Copet paper crafts from their website.
Copet is a polygon zoo.
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Written on 2:23:00 AM by Oakie Chiraskamin
Life is full of unexpectation.
First of all, I went to Great Clips last Friday for haircut. It's only $11. I don't like my haircut at all and service is terrible. I was disappointed. I will pay more for better thing. 
Last week, my roommate witnessed and suspected one criminal and many cops paid us a visit at 2.00am. I hate this situation. 
Two parties in a roll....i love it.
It's my birthday on last Sunday...it's sad because i had to do my assignments and team project all day long. Pity me.
Written on 11:28:00 PM by Oakie Chiraskamin
The next 4 days I have to come up and present about my God and my relationship with God. Yesterday, I thought of God all day. It will be very interesting assignment for me. That's why we call it, creative thinking class.
Answer my prayer please :(
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vcu adcenter
Written on 10:53:00 PM by Oakie Chiraskamin
I am aware that tonight Britney Spears was in the MTV Video Music Awards at Las Vegas and performed her new song, Gimme more. As far as i know from reading an article from Washington post, MTV want to improve their viewership that has been continuously dropped since 2004.
It doesn't work for me at least. Watching Britney back in music industry is not my call. This is my favorite part of this piece of reading, "The "awards" part of the show usually is overshadowed by the performances and the chance that something outrageous will happen, like same-sex kisses or naughty utterances. The lack of excitement in recent years, amid a government crackdown in media decency, has been blamed for the slide in ratings."
Maybe i am too old for MTV, lame MTV.
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britney spears,
Written on 1:09:00 AM by Oakie Chiraskamin
Deconstruction is meaningful to me. I often de-construct things in my life and make something new. Even doing some homeworks at VCU Adcenter (Oh gosh, why i just can't stop writing about Adcenter) I need to de-construct my life stories and arrange them for better presentation. For me, deconstruction is really helpful in looking things in many perspectives.
that's why i posted many de-construction arts here. This one is another example of my inspiration, Adidas Deconstructed by Yoshiaki Kaihatsu. I found here.

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vcu adcenter
Written on 12:49:00 AM by Oakie Chiraskamin
The most boring package in the US., i guess.
I need it by the way to survive 60 weeks at VCU Adcenter. And Redbull will be my second weapon. Now, I am working on point-of-view statement for GAP, three self-portraits, colonial village, unethical ads analysis, and more readings.
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vcu adcenter