Mister Donut (Japan)
Written on 6:21:00 AM by Oakie Chiraskamin
I saw these 3 Mister Donut tvc last year. They are so cute, i hope to see more from them soon. Product execution in the ads is lovely.
I saw these 3 Mister Donut tvc last year. They are so cute, i hope to see more from them soon. Product execution in the ads is lovely.
Oh Gosh, No time to see "The pursuit of Happyness" movie. It still got me questioning about spelling with "Y" not "I" in "happyness" word.
No happyness at all until getting the answer from seeing this movie.
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People love (other's) secret and walls have ears. According to my experiences in media agencies, there are top three secrets that the typical guy has kept :
1.A coworker's plan to quit
2.An affair between 2 employees
3.Plan to fire someone
Anyone share these the same kind?? or are there any other secret??
Image from cackhanded via flickr
Posted in corporate secret, office, secret | Comment Now!
I switched to use Gmail last year and really like it more than Yahoo and Hotmail. Last week, Google team posted 4 series of video, they made it funny and simple. The videos are about "Why use Gmail" which are better spam protection, fast search, threads, and built-in instant messaging (i really love this feature). See the example of Act1 below and all of 4 acts here
Posted in gmail, google, video | Comment Now!
Accidentally bought these lovely cupcakes by cupcakes inc. and found them on the way back home. There were 2 things i was impressed - 1. The packaging, it's bag and box at the same time 2. They look nice and delicious. People stared at my cupcakes and packaging while i was holding them nicely. errr..i was shy.
Posted in cupcake, randomness | Comment Now!
Diesel touches on Global warming issue. I would like to share this i found it on stopglobalwarming.org. The Diesel worldwide team said... "Over the years, Diesel's ad campaigns have touched on several global issues in a signature over-the-top, irreverent, often surreal way. 2007 opens with a campaign that highlights the risks awaiting our planet due to global warming. We are only a fashion company and do not think that - with just one campaign - we can save the world, but if our unconventional tone of voice and the reputation of our brand can grab and hold people's attention a little longer than a news feature can, make them think twice about the consequence of all our actions and realize our individual responsibility, then something at least will have been accomplished."
While i am writing this entry, the weather outside is so hot. It's just February, summer comes sooner than we think. Show support by buying Stop Global Warming bracelet :)
Posted in diesel, global warming, support | Comment Now!
Her name is Yone Minagawa, the oldest person in the world by Guinness book of world record. She is a japanese and just turned 114-year-old last month. Staff at nursing home say Yone is still very active and healthy appetite.
I think she enjoys her well-being and long living. Like most marketers enjoy well-being brand(s). They need to protect, revive, create, refresh, build, develop, maintain, and etc their brand(s) in order to survive in people's mind from generation to generation.
We don't last long but brand(s) do. (more than 114 years, if you do great for your brand)
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Umm..we made this the seventh time. Bangkok Coffee Evening #7
Date : 15 Feb 2007
Time : After work
Venue : Sensual Suan Plu, Narathiwas Rd. Soi15. (tentative)
Everybody is welcome, no agenda.
Posted in bangkok, coffee, coffeemorning, planning | Comment Now!
The picture of myself from Photo booth software. It's fun and crazy. I feel like i am addicted to it hahaha :)
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Congrats to Dixie Chicks for their 5 Grammy awards :) / It's kind of a sign from music industry to the government on political issue.
Posted in music, politic | Comment Now!
I took this pic in front of AIIZ store. AIIZ is Thai local brand of clothing and just launched this "IN LOVE" campaign for coming Valentine's season. The overall look and theme are similar to (Red) campaign. I am not sure whether they tend to copy Red campaign or not but the concept of selling that IN LOVE clothes are pretty the same as Red products. They will give some profits to a charity. Even the parentheses symbol ( see the pic), i deeply feel shame in my mind.
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Last friday at Future of branding seminar, organized by faculty of communication arts, Chulalongkorn university, I almost couldn't find the building. The seminar is quite interesting then we learned many things including Dtac's (mobile phone operator) 4 rules of branding (Will, Effort, Focus, and Take risk), The changes in "Market", "Corporate", "Consumer", and "Competitors", and applying sufficiency theory and branding together.
The future of branding needs to catch the consumer in the future.
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Bangkok Coffee Evening #6 as usual
Date : 8 Feb 2007
Time : After work
Venue : Air Plane (Soi Langsuan)
Everyone is welcome, no agenda. See ya!
Posted in coffee morning, coffeemorning, planning | Comment Now!
I think many countries around the world have been localized the coke side of life campaign. I took a photo of Coke billboard last week and borrow some pics from other places to show the differences.
The first 2 pics from my cameraThis one from AUS via Flickr
This one from Brazil via ibelieveinadv.com
This one from Netherland via W+K
Posted in branding, coke, localization | Comment Now!
POM Promises to End Deadly Animal Tests! - Last year, PETA discovered that POM was funding outrageous experiments on animals in order to make health claims about its products....
Posted in animal testing, branding, crisis | Comment Now!
Yesterday, i went to Tops supermarket where i got my sensory system aroused - Sight, Hear, Taste, Smell, and Touch. Going to supermarket on weekend is fun.
A very boutique hotel in bangkok, Reflections rooms in bangkok soundly fit to the person who getting bored with same old business hotel or minimalist-style hotel. All rooms are attentively decorated and all of them are different in theme, color, style, decorations, an etc.
Posted in bangkok, hotel, lifestyle | Comment Now!
I have been temperate always,
But I am like to be very drunk
With your coming.
There have been timesI feared to walk down the street
Lest I should reel with the wine of you,
And jerk against my neighbours
As they go by.
I am parched now, and my tongue is horrible in my mouth,
But my brain is noisy
With the clash and gurgle of filling wine-cups.
by Amy Lowell
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